The community-focused coin designed for instant payments.
Fast, flexible, and transparent cryptocurrency payments are within your reach. Try Electric Cash and experience digital assets that the world loves.
How it works?
Discover the first Proof of Work cryptocurrency with built-in Governance and Staking capabilities. Get Governance Power and use it to vote on decisions that influence the ecosystem. Help shape the future of the protocol! If you want to know something more about ELCASH, check out our video on YouTube!
Electric Cash Roadmap
Q4 2020
Launch of Electric Cash (ELCASH) pre-mining
Q1 2021
Listing ELCASH on crypto exchanges
Launch of official website, blockchain explorer, Whitepaper and desktop wallet
Q2 2021
Electric Wallet Pro release (iOS & Android)
Q3 2021
Electric Wallet Pro release (iOS & Android)
Q4 2021
wELCASH – BEP-20 token representing ELCASH on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.
To do
Q4 2021/Q1 2022
Introduction of ELCASH ecosystem - Staking, Governance and Free transactions
To do
Q1 2022
Electric Wallet Pro software upgrade with Staking, Governance and Free transactions
Desktop Wallet software upgrade with Staking, Governance and Free transactions
To do
Q2 2022
Introduction of ELCASH Fast transactions layer and Governance (additional features)
To do
Q2/Q3 2022
Electric Wallet Pro software upgrade with Fast transactions layer and Governance (additional features)
Desktop Wallet software upgrade with Fast transactions layer and Governance (additional features)
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